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Network CD Receiver & Digital Amplifier SA-C600


Premium Class Network CD Receiver

The Network CD Receiver SA-C600 brings you a wealth of music content with a single device—supporting everything from records, CDs, and radio to music streaming and more with a luxurious audio environment courtesy of Technics’ superior sound engineering.


Full Digital Amp, JENO Engine (Jitter Elimination and Noise-Shaping Optimisation)

Full Digital Amp, JENO Engine (Jitter Elimination and Noise-Shaping Optimisation)
The SA-C600 features a fully digital amplifier incorporating Technics’ renowned audio technology. Its transmission system processes signals fully digitally in all stages from input to output. Compared to analogue transmission, this system is less susceptible to signal degradation caused by external noise, ensuring more precise signal transmission. Accurate signal processing not only delivers high-resolution digital audio but also maintains the soft texture for faithful reproduction of analogue recordings.

Twin Power Supply Circuit System

Twin Power Supply Circuit System
The design of the power supply is critical in audio systems containing CD players, amplifiers, digital circuits, and other components. To eliminate adverse effects on the amplifier, the SA-C600 is designed with a dedicated power supply for the amplifier circuits that is independent from all other circuits, delivering power to the two independent transformers. For maximum efficiency, the wiring connections between the two dedicated transformers and the amplifier circuits are also optimised for noise reduction.

Clean Powered Clock Generator

To improve noise reduction and achieve superb sound image localisation, the power supply for the clock circuit of the JENO Engine utilises the same noise suppression circuit employed in our flagship turntable model, the Technics SL-1000R.

Built-in Phono Equaliser compatible with MM Cartridge

Built-in Phono Equaliser compatible with MM Cartridge
The built-in phono equaliser supports MM cartridges. It uses a dedicated power supply and isolated circuit for improved noise reduction. The equaliser circuit utilises a shielded design to protect against external noise, enabling signal amplification without any loss of fidelity.

Space Tune™

Space Tune™
The SA-C600 is equipped with Space Tune™ which enables the adjustment of sound to suit its surroundings, maximising superb music reproduction. By using the Technics Audio Centre* app or selecting one of the four pre-sets on the main unit - Free, Wall, Corner or Shelf, the user can optimise sound reproduction for their specific acoustic environment.
The L/R Custom feature allows users to enter separate settings for each individual speaker, fine-tuning for different conditions and bringing out the best sound quality in any environment.
* Available for iOS devices only

Supports a Wide Range of Music Content

The SA-C600 supports a variety of music sources including CD, radio, phono input, optical digital input (including TVs), coaxial digital input, USB input, and more.
Compatible with a variety of music sources

Designed for a Sophisticated Listening Experience

Designed for a Sophisticated Listening Experience
The design of the SA-C600 incorporates texture, dimensions, and materials from Technics turntables to ensure a timeless, elegant aesthetic in your listening space.

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Size and Weight


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“Direct Stream Digital”, DSD and their logos are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ and Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ are marks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

JENO Engine (Jitter Elimination and Noise-shaping Optimisation)

Twin Power Supply Circuit System

Clean Powered Clock Generator

Built-in Phono Equaliser compatible with MM Cartridge

Space Tune™

Supports a Wide Range of Music Content



Photo of Network CD Receiver & Digital Amplifier SA-C600
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